Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th April 2023 in St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.
Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Ed Nielson, Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Angus Turnbull, Cllr Lisa Bettison, 1 member of the public
Apologies: Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle.
Declaration of Interest: None.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the February meeting were agreed upon.
Matters Arising: Cllr Mike Butler asked about progress with Bridge No1, Jim Froud sent details of the span of the bridge to Patrick Wharam, countryside access Manager at ERYC. No update has been received.
The manhole cover on Atwick Road. of a mile outside of the village, 30 metres past the second overhead wires has still not been replaced, the standing water issue at the S bends is still ongoing, Jim Froud is to chase up
Ward Councillors Report: No one present.
Police Report: No one was present. Jim Froud reported a high number of drug-related arrests in the area, this is part of a national crackdown
The Police have been holding zoom meetings with the Officers and Councillors of ERYC in a bid to liaise more closely with the public to determine problem areas. it is hoped that the zoom meetings may be extended to Parish Councillors in the future
Planning: Nothing.
Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date, although some details have been deleted by mistake. the Emergency Plan needs updating this will be on the Agenda for the next meeting as the Ward Councillors may change after the local elections on May 4th 2023. Councillors were made aware that Councillor Bettinsons name had been misspelt on the website, Admin to correct this
Playing Field: Cllr Graham Staples asked about the accounts for the Playing Field, Cllr Angus Turnbull commented that there is plenty of money in the Bank Account, there had been a problem with access to the account after the treasurer had resigned but it is all sorted now, A meeting of the Playing Field Association was held about a month ag
Cllr Brenda Aylott asked Cllr Angus Turnbull about access for cyclists and visiting people to the village, using the benches in the playing field for their picnics.
A heated discussion ensued over the function and use of the Playing Field. It was thought that inviting people from outside the Village to use the Playing Field could affect liability insurance.
Cllr Ed Neilson commented that we could keep going around in circles, and his view was that it would be nice to see as much use of the Playing Field as possible.
Cllr Graham Staples commented that the Playing Field had been purchased for community use.
Cllr Ed Neilson asked about any idea of functions to be held.
Cllr Angus Turnbull commented that another Bewholme Bash was possibly being planned, and any thoughts of the dog show were not clear
Highways: Atwick Road opposite the campsite manhole covers have been finished and the grass verge has been restored. The hedge at Little Arram Farm corner needs cutting back, Cllr Turnbull to make contact.
The Bewholme sign on Atwick Road has still not been replaced.
The hedge at Pasture House is still encroaching onto the road.
Finance: Accounts paid since the last meeting Nunkeeling Priory Trees Åí2700.00, Plants for Planters £12.67, OVH web domain £44.46
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King’s Coronation Lectern: The Grant of Åí500.00 has been awarded to go towards the cost of the Lectern.
It was agreed to purchase the Lectern, Cllr Lisa Bettison will co-ordinate the project.
It was thought that the Pond area would be the best site.
The information will include information about the buildings in Bewholme, the price for the Lectern of £599.00 + VAT includes printing.
Cllr Ed Neilson will assist with the Graphics, and Cllr Angus Turnbull will assist with a link for the company to upload information.
Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing. Cllr Graham Staples reported very little activity.
Correspondence: Nothing
Any Other Business: Cllr Ed Neilson thanked Cllr Graham Staples for sorting the Nomination paperwork out.
The painting of the Telephone Box, the company asked to quote has not come up with anything. Cllr Graham Staples has been wire brushing the paint and is happy that he can produce a good finish after painting
Cllr Brenda Aylott asked about the servicing of the Defibrillator, Ell Elliott looks after this.
It was agreed that the Clerks Fees will be an agenda item for the next meeting in June, which will also be the AGM
Parishioners Questions: The question was asked about how much money was in the Playing Field accounts, and if the accounts were being published.
Cllr Angus Turnbull commented that it was up to the Chairman of the Playing Field, to give the information.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 13th June 2023.
The meeting closed at 8.33 pm.
Signed as a true and correct record of what took place.
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