Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 13 th February 2024
in St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.
Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Lisa Bettison,
Cllr Phil Elliott 2 members of the Public.
Apologies: Cllr Ed Neilson, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle.
Declaration of Interest: None.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the December meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising: Pasture House hedge has been cut back, this went to enforcement, but the work was carried out at the owners expense
Cllr Mike Butler reported that the remains of the burnt out car at Atwick has not been removed.
Cllr Graham Staples is to take photographs of the areas on Catfoss Road that could do with tarmacking.
Ward Councillors Report: No one present. In an email from Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, reporting that
ERYC have agreed a balanced budget for 2024/25, with no cuts to services.
Police Report: No one present. Rural crime is on the increase people are urged to be vigilant, thefts of agricultural trailers and quad bikes have been reported.
Planning: Proposal: Conversion of outbuildings to create 2 holiday accommodation units
consisting of: a) Outbuilding A – Alterations to and increase in wall and roof height and internal refurbishment to include new windows- roof lights and doors. outbuilding B – installation of entrance door refurbishment to include new windows – roof lights and doors.
Location: Bewholme Grange Gardham Lane Bewholme East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 8ED
Applicant: Mr Tony Lyon
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
No objections raised. Voted to approve.
Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date.
Playing Field: Mr and Mrs Duke were present, although Mr Duke was called to leave the meeting.
Mrs Duke reported that it is too cold and wet to be doing anything to the field at the moment, there is a lot of water stood but the drains are working.
The new goal posts have arrived, thanks to Elliotts for supplying them, and will be erected in the better weather.
Fund raising events have been organised, a quiz with the church on the 22nd of March 2024.
Crafts event on the 1st of June 2024.
Dog Show on the 2nd of June 2024.
Cllr Mike Butler reported a problem with the new tarmac near to the turn off to Nunkeeling.
A request for increasing the length of 2 passing places, making them into 1, will be sent to Highways ERYC.
The tree near to Glebe House on Seaton Road is overhanging the carriageway.
Marker bollards have been demolished near to the junction of Seaton Road and Bewholme Lane.
The 30 MPH sign near to Holly Tree Cottage, Catfoss Road is badly faded.
Finance: The following invoices were agreed, North Road Playing Field £720.00, Nunkeeling Manor
£810.26, Postage £6.00.
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Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Graham Staples reported of a very quiet period.
Area in front of the 3 council houses and church: Cllr Lisa Bettison reported that Malcome Ives will clear
the verge of al vegetation in preparation for the road planings.
Correspondence: An email from an organisation offering Defibrillators for £750.00 had been received
Jim Froud to look into the criteria, and report back.
Any Other Business: Cllr Brenda Aylott suggested that an Emergency Plan be put on the notice board for
Parishioners to see.
There is a copy in the Church, and it is on the Website.
There seemed to be confusion as to what the Emergency Plan is there for.
The Emergency Plan is reviewed every 12 months to make sure that no details have changed, this is then
logged with ERYC, Emergency Services.
The purpose of the plan is to make sure that if a major incident occurred, that ERYC can make contact with
Councillors and Co-ordinators within Bewholme Parish.
The Emergency Plan can also be accessed by the Emergency Services, who may need vital information from
the plan.
A discussion took place about Planning applications coming in between meetings, this does occur and the
information is sent around the Councillors for comment.
The idea of monthly meetings was discussed, it was thought that this would greatly increase costs, and that
there is not enough business to warrant the extra meetings.
The system at the moment is not ideal, as some Councillors reply and some don’t.
If a really important planning application comes in, and it won’t make the next meeting, then a special extra
meeting could be held, all the same notice period and Agenda would have to be followed.
Nothing was decided, so the situation is the same.
Parishioners Questions: None
Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 9th April 2024.
Meeting closed at 8.40 pm.
Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1
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