Minutes of Meeting held on 11/06/ 2024

Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11 th June 2024 in St John the Baptist Church Bewholme

Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Ed Nielson, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson and 2 members of the public

Apologies: Cllr Lisa Bettison, Cllr Phil Elliott, Ward Cllr John Whittle.

Declaration of Interest: None.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the April meeting were agreed.

Matters Arising:

Cllr Mike Butler reported that the state of the Atwick to Bewholme road is still in bad repair, was there any feedback about the road being resurfaced Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson commented that the road is on the list.the list is very long. Highways are repairing potholes everywhere that there is a problem. The lay-bys are on a schedule, but the grass has to be cut first for Health and Safety reasons, it all takes time.

Mike also asked about progress with Bridge No1, Jim Froud has been in touch with Patrick Wharam Countryside Access Management, the bridge is definitely in the funding for 2024-25, no update has been received.

Ward Councillors Report: Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson told the meeting of the problems with getting on with projects, whilst the Government is in dissolution, before the general election.

ERYC are in a good place financially, they were very close to the budget last financial year, and emergency funds had to be used, some 5 Councils in England have gone into liquidation.Costs have gone up tremendously, sometimes as much as 3 times the amount as before the energy and financial crisis.

The schedules are getting longer, but there is nothing that can be done, the most important thing is that the Council don’t get into debt.

The Boundaries for the Wards are changing, people will notice that on the voting cards “Bridlington and the Wolds” this will possibly make a difference to the MP. North Holderness is still the ward that Bewholme is in.

There are still many funds and grants available, that are not part of the ERYC Budget, and Barbara urgedpeople to claim the monies for their village if available.

Police Report: No one present. Rural crime is on the increase people are urged to be vigilant, thefts of GPS equipment have been reported, farmers are urged to remove and lock away.

The Police Station is now manned and open in Hornsea, Monday-Friday 9.00-17.00 hours, Saturday 9.00-16.00 hours, people wanting to call in to speak with Police are asked to telephone 101 to make sure that they are open.

Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson reported that there is a monthly meeting with the Police Coastal Group, that she attends to discuss local problems. There are many different departments of the Police attending Hornsea Police Station including the Yellow Fin all terrain motorbikes used for Anti-Hare Coursing, and pursuing people off road.

Planning: 24/01430/STPLF

Proposal: Installation of a ground mounted solar array with associated infrastructure,and the erection of a

general purpose agricultural storage building

Location: Robinson Contract Services Limited Catfoss Industrial Estate Catfoss Lane

Brandesburton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 8EJ

Applicant: Robinson The Builders Merchant Ltd

Application Type: Strategic – Full Planning Permission

No objections raised.

Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date. Could Cllr Graham Staples have some written reports from local goups?

Bewholme PC 11-6-2024/JF

Playing Field: Sue Duke spoke of the problems with grass cutting of the field, with it being so wet, the donation of a ride on mower has helped immensely.The Dog Show was a great success and well attended.

The new Goal Posts that were kindly donated by the Elliott family have been erected, the field is now in a fully usable condition.

The Bewholme Recreation Association AGM will be held on the 9th of July 2024, 7.30pm in the Church

Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson spoke about a fund “Do it for East Yorkshire” that could be of interest to the playing field commitee, it ha to be applied for by volunteers, but the Paridh Coucil could also apply.

Barbara is going to see if an officer from ERYC is available to attend the AGM.

Sue Duke is to attend a meeting in Atwick Village Hall, to see about the grants that SSE are awarding.


Cllr Mike Butler reported about the hedge overgrown on Catfoss Road outside of his neighbours property, it was thought a good idea for Mike to discuss on behalf of the Paish Council, with the owner.

The hedge at Low Bonwick is encroaching onto the road and needs cutting back.

Finance: The following invoices were agreed, £489.00 for the D-day 80 Bench, £6.80 Postage, £30.00 for plants , this was agreed

Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing.

D-day 80 Community Fund: The Parish Council has been awarded £500.00 towards the cost of erecting a memorial bench on the Playing Field in Bewholme. The grant end report has to be in by the end of August 2024

Correspondence: New regulations by the Auditors, require the Parish Council to have a bespoke email address linked to the website with access for all concerned.

Any Other Business: Cllr Brenda Aylott brought up the lack of communication in emails, that was experienced during the organisation of the memorial D- day Bench funding

Jim Froud tried to explain the difficulties communicating outside of a physical meeting, it was thought that a deadline for a reply to emails should be included, in the email.

Parishioners Questions: Nothing.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 13th August 2024.

Meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1


Bewholme PC 11-6-2024/JF