Minutes of meeting held on 14/02 /2023

Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 14th February 2023
in the John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.
Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Ed Nielson, Cllr Brenda Aylott,
Ward Cllr John Whittle, Cllr Lisa Bettison, Cllr Phil Elliott, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, 1 members of the
Apologies: Cllr Angus Turnbull.
Declaration of Interest: None.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the November meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising: Cllr Mike Butler asked about progress with Bridge No1, Jim Froud to chase up.
Cllr Brenda Aylott reported about the Rat situation in the village, Yorkshire Water had attended a site visit to check the public waterways and manholes.

Evidence of Rats were found, and faults that could let the Rats get into the Public Waterways, although the manholes were clear. Rat activity was noted on North Road.
Brenda asked about the visits by Ronnie Keight, the original contract is for 6 visits, 3 bait boxes, to run until March 2023, at a total cost of £219.54 + VAT. Jim Froud to ask Ronnie for an update.
Yorkshire Water had said that it is the responsibility of ERYC, Terry Weaver of Highways has been informed
but nothing seems to have been done. Jim Froud to contact Terry Weaver and to copy in Ward Councillor Barbara Jefferson.

Ward Councillors Report: Ward Cllr Barbera Jefferson reported that they are still doing their jobs, listening to peoples concerns, and going away with a list of jobs to do.

Co-option; Mrs Lisa Bettison was Co-opted as a Parish Councillor for Bewholme by a unanimous vote.
As there was only one applicant the relevant paperwork had been prepared and was signed at the meeting.
Police Report: No one present. Cllr Mike Butler commented that speeding in the village, is a big problem, a car was known to have collided with property after failing to negotiate a bend in the road on Catfoss Road through excessive speed.

Police have been present in the village checking speeds of cars, but it was thought
that they were there at the wrong time to catch the bigger majority of the offenders.
Ther is evidence of Fly Tipping in the ditch near to Woonook Fold, Jim Froud to report.
Cllr Phil Elliott reported that the Police have tracked down the thieves that stole GPS equipment from their farm tractors.

Planning: 23/00083/TCA Bewholme Conservation Area – 4 no Sycamore Trees (T1, T2,T3,T4) to section
fell due to the trees being in a poor form with obvious signs of die back in the main crown.
Bewholme Grange, Gardham Lane, Bewholme YO25 8ED. Mr Lyon. Tree works in a conservation area.
Voted to approve.
23/00157/PLF Erection of double garage following demolition of existing garage.
Wesley House, North Road, Bewholme, YO25 8EB
J Spurr. Full Planning Permission.
Voted to approve.
22/03433/CM Construction of asphalt plant and associated works, erection of an office block, siting of a container to be used as a workshop
and ancillary use of existing buildings and dwelling.
Land South of Catfoss Pig Farm, Catfoss Lane, Brandesburton.
Newlay Asphalt Ltd. County Matter.
There was a lengthy discussion, the general thoughts were that this is not light industry, what has been
proposed will significantly increase heavy traffic in a rural area.
Cllr Graham Staples had attended Brandesburton Parish Council meeting, they had voted for their decision to
be deferred, pending a public meeting with Newlay.
Bewholme PC 14-2-2023/JFNewlay have declined to speak directly to the public, so Brandesburton Parish Council have totally rejected
the proposal, and are notifying of their objection.
It was thought that some of the information on the impact to the environment, could be ms-leading, especially air pollution.

A vote was held 5 in favour of Objection 1 abstention.
The Parish Council will request that this goes before the full planning committee.
Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date. Jim Froud reported that the Emergency
Plan needs updating, this will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Playing Field: No comments.
Highways: Atwick Road opposite the campsite manhole covers not finished. There is another manhole near to the overhead electricity wires were the lid is completely off.

S bends on Atwick Road, there is standing water, and the edge of the road is a deep drop that cannot be seen.

Cllr Mike Butler reported that marker bollards have been erected at Billings Hill marking te edge of the ditch.
Pasture House, Catfoss Road the hedge has still not been cut back, Jim Froud to report to Highways ERYC.
Finance: Grass cutting for Nunkeeling Priory £757.26, Grass cutting Playing Field £672.90, Printer toners
£20.00 these were agreed.
The prices for 2023/24 grass cutting contracts were agreed, Nunkeeling Priory £675.22 + VAT and Playing Field £600.00 + VAT.

Precept 2023-24; The precept was set at £4,900.00, this is the same as the previous year, all costs have been
Cllr Brenda Aylott complained about the way that the Precept Demand had been handled by the clerk. A generic email had been sent around all of the Councillors in the absence of a meeting before the deadline of the 23rd of January 2023. When some of the Councillors replied, they had not replied copying in the other

Jim Froud explained the situation, that there were extenuating circumstances, and not all of the Councillors could take part as email isn’t used. Jim Froud had secured an extension of time until the 15th of February 2023,
After the email had been sent. It was listed on the Agenda for the 14th February 2023, and no alteration was made.
Brenda requested that if this occurred again in the future, that Councillors reply to the whole group, not just to the person that had requested the approval.

Nunkeeling Priory Trees; Cllr Graham Staples had attended 2 site meetings with approved arborists, and
Mrs Todd, and Mr Arnott to ascertain what needed to be done with the trees on site.
The trees need to be totally cleared, leaving only one or two that have significant character.
Steve Walker quoted £2200.00 + VAT, but the wood would be left on site.
Tree Worx Ltd quoted £2250 + VAT and the wood would be removed from site.
The trees are not in a conservation area, and the ERYC Tree Officer is happy that the trees can be taken
It was agreed to have the work carried out by Tree Worx Ltd.
Broadband Dunnington; Cllr Ed Neilson had emailed Openreach about the proposed Broadband scheme for Dunnington, the reply that he received back was unprofessional and very vague, in his opinion.

There are risks in signing as the legal entente, and it could bankrupt the Parish Council.
No one was present at the meeting to represent Dunnington residents, works appear to have started to the Broadband Infrastructure, so it is assumed that someone else has signed the documentation

Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing. No signage delivered, still ongoing.
Correspondence: Many people have emailed objections to the proposed asphalt plant, at Catfoss.
Jim Froud will reply, urging the parishioners concerned to log their objections on the ERYC Planning Portal.
Any Other Business: Jim Froud asked about the King’s Coronation on the 6th of May 2023, if anyone is
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