Bewholme Parish Council
There will be a meeting of the Bewholme Parish Council on Tuesday 13th August 2024, in the
John the Baptist Church, Bewholme at 7.30pm.
1. Declaration of Interest
2. Minutes of the last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Ward Councillors report
5. Police report
6. Proposal: Erection of a stable block for private use and siting of 2 water tanks for the
collection and recycling of water
Location: Field House Farm North Road Bewholme East Riding Of Yorkshire YO258ED
Applicant: Mr Jamie Slingsby
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
7. Website
8. Playing Field
9. Highways
10. Finance
11. Neighbourhood watch
12. D-day 80 Community Fund Final Report
13. Correspondence
14. Any other business
15. Parishioners questions.
16. Date of the next meeting.
Bewholme Parish Council August 2024 Agenda/JF