Emergency Plan

Community Emergency

Plan for the Parish of



Level One

Updated: 19th September 2023



(to be reviewed annually)

Emergency Management Team

In the event of the plan being triggered the following Parish Councillors and members

of the community have agreed to form the Emergency Management Team:

Name Address Telephone E-mail

Cllr Graham Staples 01964 533976

07747 098268



Cllr Mike Butler 01964 534037 mgbbutler7@outlook.com

Cllr Phil Elliott 07780 705773 phil@elliotteggs.co.uk

Member of Parish Council not on Emergency Management Team

Name Address Telephone E-mail

Cllr Brenda Aylott 01964 534494 b.aylott649@btinternet.com

Cllr Lisa Bettison 07818 517830 lpbettison@hotmail.co.uk

Cllr Ed Neilson 07973 451081 ed@vivelevelo.cc

Ward Councillors

Name Address Telephone E-mail

Cllr Barbara Jefferson 01482 393287

01964 533122


Cllr John Whittle 01964 532301

07757 208314



<Please include in this section any additional contact details for volunteers, community groups,

flood wardens, etc.>

Organisation contact details

Fire Service, Police, Ambulance &


999 / 112

East Riding of Yorkshire Council 01482 393939

Electricity Emergency Service & Supply


105 / 0800 375 375

Environment Agency Floodline 03459 88 11 88

Fire Service – non emergency 01482 565333

Gas Emergency Service & Gas Escapes 0800 111 999

Hull City Council 01482 300300

NHS – non emergency 111

Eastgate Medical Group 01964 530350

Hornsea Cottage Hospital 01964 533146

Police – non emergency 101

Yorkshire Water 0845 124 2424




Meeting Venue(s)

The Emergency Management Team will usually need to meet during an emergency

and agree what is to be done. The following meeting locations have been identified:

Venue How to access Contact Details

St John the Baptist Church See Map Key holder Lawrence Trender

01964 533020

Key holder Mike Butler

01964 534037

Public Information

The Parish Council will provide regular updates to the public during an emergency,

including passing on messages received by other organisations. The following

information channels can be used.


Information Source Who can access / update? Contact Details

http://bewholmepc.org Mr Graham Staples 01964 533976

07747 098268

Parish Council Facebook Page

Parish Council Twitter

Parish Council Noticeboards:

Notice Board 1)

Notice Board 2)

Bewholme near to the Postbox

opposite the old School House.

Dunnington near to the

Postbox, Lodge Farm.

Mike Butler 01964 534037


Defibrillator location(s)

The community’s defibrillators can be found at these locations. Access to the

defibrillator is usually given by the 999 operator following a 999 call, rather than being

mobilised by the Community Emergency Team.

Councillor Ed Neilson has volunteered to mobilise the defibrillator, if required.

Tel; 01964 536566 Mob; 07973451081.


Pear Tree Farm, Nunkeeling YO25 8EG. E:515331.81 N:452053.13

Phone Box, Outside 1 Front Row, Bewholme, YO25 8DU E:516571.08 N:449952.38

Mrs Eleanor Elliott qualified first responder, if on duty Eleanor will attend.

Tel; 07930 530246




Plan Publication

Electronic copies of this plan have been e-mailed to:

 <heps@eastriding.gov.uk>

 Bewholme Parish Councillors

The original electronic version of this plan is kept at:

31 Market Place, Hornsea, HU18 1AN.

Backup electronic versions of this plan are kept at:

 31 Market Place, Hornsea, HU18 1AN.

Hard copies of this plan are kept at:

 31 Market Place, Hornsea, HU18 1AN.

A web version of the plan with the confidential information removed has been

posted on for public information.

Plan Maintenance

The plan should be reviewed every year at December Parish Council Meetings.

During the review every section of the plan should be checked for accuracy

(telephone numbers, resource lists etc). Jim Froud will have responsibility for

reviewing the emergency plan and should report back the Parish/Town Council

meeting to confirm that a review has taken place.

Any updates to the plan, or lessons that have been learned from exercises, should

be approved by at least two of the Parish Members before the plan is changed.

Jim Froud is responsible for providing an updated version of the plan to all those

listed in Section 1.

Plan Exercise and Review


This plan should be exercised once a year. Jim Froud will have responsibility for

arranging the exercise. An exercise guide and some potential scenarios are

available at www.Letsgetready.org.uk, or by calling 01482 393051.

Jim Froud should make sure that all the people who are involved in the plan are

aware of their role, and know that that they might be contacted during an emergency.

Data Protection

This plan will contain personal information once complete. Town and Parish

Councils should follow their data protection procedures when completing, maintaining

and storing this plan.