Minutes of meeting held on 3rd October 2023

Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3 rd October 2023 in

St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.

Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Ed Neilson,

Cllr Phil Elliott and 1 member of the Public.

Apologies: Cllr Lisa Bettison, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle.

Declaration of Interest: None.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the August meeting were agreed.

Matters Arising: Pasture House hedge has stilll not been cut back, this is now a health and safety issue, we are now into October the period for cutting hedges.

The potholes at the ‘S’ bends at Low Bonwick need reporting again.

Ward Councillors Report: No one present.

Police Report: No one present.

Planning: None.

Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date.

Playing Field: Sue Duke was present, and gave a brief account of were the Playing Field was at.

The hedge has been cut and shed roof has been repaired. The gap in thefencing at the back of the field has been fenced off with panels which have been erected but removable for access if needed

The ‘Bewholme Blitz’ was a great success many people from the village turned out to help.

The committee have a marquee.

One of the Goal Posts is beyond repair, and the nets are worn out. There is a good set of mini football posts.

The benches have been cleaned.

There is an instagram account that has been set up.

The Trustees now have directors insurance, which will help encourage more volunteers to come onto the comittee.

The Christmas Lights will be switched on 1st of December.

The Dog Show is planned for June 2024.

The replacement Rowan Tree is ready to be re-planted.

There is still a vacancy for a Trustee from the Parish Council.

There has been a lot of hard work that has gone in, everbody has mucked in to help.

Highways: The Atwick Road verges are still in a terrible state, the Yorkshire Water contractors are still there. Cllr Ed Neilsonis monitoring the situation.

There are some Sycamore Trees on Seaton Road near to Glebe House that are badly overhanging the Road.

The Far Lane Water issues are still ongoing, information from Terry Weaver was passed around the meeting. It is thought that it is most probably a leak rather than a spring as reported by Yorkshire water.

Cllr Graham Staples has taken photographs that will be passed on to Terry weaver.

Finance: Accounts paid since the last meeting Zurich Insurance £257.60, Post Mix £11.76, Lectern £440.00,

Lectern Panel £67.20, Defibrillator Battery £399.99, Plants £27.95, Postage £6.00, Dunnington Pcc £80.00,

Bewholme Pcc £ 500.00, this was agreed.

Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Graham Staples reported of new information on the website regarding hoaxcallers making out thet they are from the bank. There is a number to ring for people that are concerned about this activity.

Lectern: Cllr Graham Staples reported that the Lectern is near completion, the information panel was passed around the meeting, this will be mounted on the Lectern.

Draft Eastriding Design Code: The Councillors have all been sent the link to the information about the consultation period, and were to send any concerns or wishes for the area. Drop in meetings have been arranged for various locations in the East Riding Topics include most subjects, but things like Cycle Routes, Horse Riding Routes and anything in the area that needs to be maintained as an assett shoud be put forward.

Correspondence: A Poster from ERYC aimed at people with limited income was handed to Cllr Mike Butler to be displayed on the Notice Board.

Any Other Business: The revised Emergency Plan was pased around the Councillors to check their contact nformation. Cllr Phil Elliott is prepared to be on the Emergency Management Team.

Cllr Phil Elliott told the meeting that they may have noticed the trenches being dug at various locations around the perimiter of the village, these are for the laying of the electricity cable for the Wind Turbine at Manor Farm Feeds, Dunnington.

Cllr Graham Staples reported that they have planted Crocusses and Daffodils on the verge next to the Playing Field opposite North Road Villas.

Parishioners Questions: None

Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 12th December 2023.

Meeting closed at 8.20 pm.

Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1


Bewholme PC 3-10-2023/JF