Minutes of meeting held on 12th December 2023

Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 12 th December 2023

in St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.

Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Ed Neilson,

Cllr Lisa Bettison, 2 members of the Public.

Apologies: Cllr Phil Elliott, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle.

Declaration of Interest: None.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the October meeting were agreed.

Matters Arising: Pasture House hedge has still not been cut back, Cllr Mike Butler has been in touch with

Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson to find out what is going on.

The enforcement letter has been sent, and if by Friday the 15th of December 2023 the hedge has not been cut back, the ERYC will do the work and charge the resident for it.

Ward Councillors Report: No one present.

Police Report: No one present.

Planning: Proposal: 23/03678/TCA BEWHOLME SOUTH CONSERVATION AREA – Crown lift 1 no.

Willow tree to 6 metres (excluding major limbs) as is overgrown and obstructing the garden.

Location: Pebble Stack House 13 Catfoss Road Bewholme East Riding Of YorkshireYO25 8DX

Applicant: Mr Daniel Richardson.

No objections raised. Voted to approve.

Proposal: 23/03236/PLF Change of use and external and internal alterations to existing redundant agricultural buildings to create 4 dwellings/holiday cottages with associated drainage infrastructure and parking following demolition of existing modern agricultural buildings

Location: Land South Of Nunkeeling Priory Main Road Nunkeeling East Riding Of Yorkshire

Applicant: W S Arnott & Son

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Application Type: Tree Works in Conservation Area.

This application was discussed in detail, the Councillors thoughts are that any work carried out must be

sympathetic to the surrounding area, as this is right next to Nunkeeling Priory.

Voted to approve.

Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date.

Playing Field: Mr and Mrs Duke was present, and reported that the lights night had been a great success,

the lights are on. Cllr Graham Staples commented on how well the lights look.

There had been an issue with flooding on the field, this was down to a blocked pipe that runs under the road, Yorkshire Water had been prompt in dealing with the problem.

Work to the trees on the boundary of the field will commence when the ground is not so wet.

Cllr Mike Butler thanked the playing field committee for their hard work in setting up the Christmas lights.

Cllr Graham Staples has asked Terry Weaver if he could supply some plainings for the entrance of the field.

Highways: Terry Weaver has requested that the grips are re-opened from Bewholme all the way to Skipsea Brough.

Cllr Mike Butler reported a problem with debris left from a burnt out car, at the passing place near to the

pond at Atwick.

Cllr Brenda Aylott reported that the road sweeper did not clear Far Lane of wet leaves, Jim Froud to report.

Cllr Mike Butler asked if the area of road near to the hill at the 30mph limit on Catfoss Road, be tarmaced,

increase the width of road with big vehicles passing each other. Cllr Graham Staples to provide photographs.

Finance: All accounts are paid up to date.

The Precept for 2024-25 was discussed in detail, costs have risen dramatically over the past 2 years, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would have to ask for an increase in money.

It was thought that the Precept has been held at the same amount for approximately 6 years.

An increase of £1500.00 to the Precept was agreed, bringing the total to £6,400.00 for 2024-25.

Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Graham Staples reported of information coming through for people to watch

out for scams over the Christmas period.

Lectern and area in front of the 3 council houses and church: Cllr Lisa Bettison reported that the Lectern

is finished and in place. Jim Froud asked if some photographs could be provided to send to the funding panel at ERYC. Cllr Lisa Bettinson to supply.

Cllr Graham Staples told of the plan by Mike Peeke ERYC to supply road plainings for this area, but retired before the works was done.

Thoughts were that the area needs digging out, and then filling with plainings. it was thought thatsome of the work could be completed by volunteers.

The hedge also needs cutting back, it was thought that this belongs to Andy Rhodes.

Jim Froud to contact Terry Weaver to ask for suggestions of what could be done to this area.

Correspondence: A letter from Lloyds bank telling of changes to the Deposit Account pass book. As from

January 2024 the pass book will no longer be used. A statement will be issued instead.

Any Other Business: Cllr Graham Staples reported about a scheme for a defibrillator at Magdeline Cottage,

Graham Stewart MP is involved and could provide 50% of the funding thought to be £1,650.00 plus VAT.

The Councillors thought that this was a good idea, the amount the Parish Council would have to provide

would be approximately £900.00. Thoughts were that there could be parishioners that would make donations towards the cost

Parishioners Questions: None

Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 13th February 2024.

Meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1


Bewholme PC 12-12-2023/JF