Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 9 th April 2024 in St John the Baptist Church Bewholme.
Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Ed Neilson.
Apologies: Cllr Lisa Bettison, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle.
Declaration of Interest: Cllr Mike butler declared an interest in the planning application 24/00687/PLF.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the February meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising:
Cllr Mike Butler reported that the burnt out car at Atwick has been removed, but debris left behind has not been cleared,Jim Froud has reported this twice, it was suggested that it would help if some of the Councillors also report things
Cllr Graham Staples has taken photographs of the areas on Catfoss Road that could do with tarmacking.
Terry Weaver has sent an email outlining some of the works needed for Catfoss Road, as they are regularly repairing the edges of the carriageway.
The planeings for the area opposite the church will be delivered in the next few weeks, Jim Froud has confirmed that they are still needed.
Cllr Mike Butler asked about the tree that is growing into the road outside of Glebe House, Seaton Road,Bewholme. Jim Froud has now reported this 3 times, it was thought that Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson may be able to help
Ward Councillors Report: No one present.
Police Report: No one present. Rural crime is on the increase people are urged to be vigilant, thefts of agricultural machinery and equipment have been reported.
People are urged to be careful about locking their doors, when not present, as there have been reported incidents of opportunist people trying to open doors of properties, some of these in outlying areas
Planning: 24/00687/PLF
Proposal: Erection of single storey extension and detached garage to side following demolition of existing extension and garage to side
Location: Homeland Catfoss Road Bewholme East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 8DX
Applicant: Mr M Butler
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
No objections raised. Voted to approve.
This appeal is linked to planning application 22/03433/CM
Construction of Asphalt Plant and associated works.
Newlay Asphalt Ltd
Refusal of planning permission.
Informal hearing.
The comments made by the Parish Council on the planning application still stand, the Councillors were happy
not to add anything else.
All comments need to be made by the 10th of May 2024.
Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date.
Playing Field: Cllr Brenda Aylott reported that the Quiz night had been really well attended, £200.00 has
been raised, this will be shared by the Church and Bewholme Recreation Association.
There will be an “Open Meeting” of Bewholme Recreation Association on Tuesday the 16th of April 2024, in
the Church.
Bewholme PC 10-4-2024/JF
Crafts event on the 1st of June 2024.
Dog Show on the 2nd of June 2024.
Cllr Mike Butler reported about the state of Bewholme to Atwick Road, it is in a very bad state and needs
major works to improve the road surface, Jim Froud to contact Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson and Terry Weaver
to see if there is anything planned.
Finance: The following invoices were agreed, £45.12 for the Web Domain annual payment, this was agreed.
Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Graham Staples reported of a very quiet period.
There has been notification for people to be aware of fraudulent activity with some event ticket sales sites.
Some of these sites are for the re-sale of tickets, people are urged to be aware of ticket fraud, Cllr Graham
Staples to organise a poster for the website and notice board.
RWE Dogger Bank Windfarm: Cllr Graham Staples had attended a meeting at Leven Sports Hall on the 21st
of February 2024. Minutes and information was passed around for the Councillors to read.
There are going to be some Archaeological Digs along the route that the cables will be laid, some have
already started.
Commuted funds will be available for education and scholarships.
Correspondence: Steve Arnott has indicated that he would be interested in funding the maintenance of one
of the Defibrillators. Jim Froud has applied for funding for the Defibrillator at Magdalen Cottage.
Any Other Business: Cllr Graham Staples reported about the state of the No1 Footbridge, Jim Froud to
enquire as to when the works will be carried out.
Cllr Brenda Aylott asked if there was a contact telephone number for the grass cutting team for the Recreation
field, Jim Froud to enquire.
Parishioners Questions: The telephone box will be re-painted, this will be a summer project.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 11th June 2024.
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1
Bewholme PC 10-4-2024/JF