Minutes of the meeting held 10th December 2024

Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 10 th December 2024

in the John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.

Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Cllr Steve Arnott,

Ward Cllr John Whittle.

1 Member of the public.

Apologies: Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson, Cllr Phil Elliott, Cllr Ed Neilson.

Declaration of Interest: None.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the October 2024 meeting were agreed.

Matters Arising: None.

Ward Councillors Report: Ward Cllr John Whittle didn’t have much to report. It is budget season at County

Hall, this means looking at the state of the Council Funds. The deficit of approximately 9 million pounds has

been cut to approximately 6 million pounds. Compared to other councils throughout the country, ERYC is in

a very good position. The council are looking at ways of saving money, whilst not cutting back on services if

at all possible.

The East Riding has the worst funded schools in the country, but despite this produce really good results from

a very small budget.

Devolution, and the introduction of a regional Mayor should bring in extra funding, this money will come

from central government. This will hopefully mean more money for education, with no extra cost to ERYC.

The set up for devolution will initially bring in funding of 24 million pounds from central government.

The new Mayor will have to have a very balanced attitude to both Hull Council and the ERYC.

The two councils are not merging, each one is still responsible for the management of their district.

Police Report: No one present. There has been a burglary in Bewholme thought to be last week.

Planning: 24/03318/CM

Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission

23/03473/CM – Construction of an asphalt plant and associated works

including siting of a container for plant workshop, erection of an external

shower unit, erection of an office block and toilet block, alterations to and

change of use of existing workshop building and change of use of existing

dwelling for purposes ancillary to the use of the asphalt plant (Revised

scheme of 22/03433/CM) to allow for alterations to layout and installation

of an LPG tank

Location: Land South Of Catfoss Pig Farm Catfoss Lane Brandesburton East Riding

Of Yorkshire YO25 8EJ

Applicant: Newlay Asphalt Ltd

Application Type: County Matter2

Voted to object to this planning application.

Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date. There are some names an telephone

numbers that need updating.

Playing Field: Sue Duke was present and reported that they have been awarded a grant from SSE Thermal

of £2,000.00 towards Storage and Community Events.

The plan is for a standard storage container, but it is not known if planning permission is needed.

Cllr Steve Arnott is in contact with someone who is knowledgable about this subject, so he will ask the


There have been 2 areas identified for siting the container, both are near to the boundary hedge.

Wickes Community Fund have provided green paint for painting of items outside including tables and

benches. 165 saplings have been donated by the Woodland Trust, these are mostly for hedging, any surplus

could be given to the Parish Council, although they will not be delivered until March 2025, so there is time

for thought as to where they could be used.

The next meeting of BRA will be held on the 25th March 2025 in the Church 7.30pm.

Bewholme PC 10-12-2024/JF

The Annual Dog Show will be held on the 8th of June 2025.

The BRA AGM will be held on the 8th of July 2025. 7.30pm in the Church.


Cllr Mike Butler reported the state of potholes on Catwick Road, thought to be caused by vehicles driving

over the edge of the carriageway. The request for white marker lines to the edge of the road has not been

carried out, JF to enquire.

Cllr Brenda Aylott asked about the planings outside of the church, Cllr Graham Staples to enquire with

Malcom Ives, who was going to carry out the work.

Cllr Mike Butler commented on an article in Your ERYC magazine, about speed indicators being installed at

the entrance to villages. JF to contact the Police Commissioner.

Cllr Steve Arnott reported a drain under the road at Nunkeeling that has sunk, near to a bend in the road, and

the crash barrier has also collapsed into the ditch.

Cllr Graham Staples to provide photographs to JF.

Finance: The following invoices were agreed, £21.00 Plants.

A discussion took place about the Precept for Financial Year 2025-26, it was thought that no increase was

needed. The Precept for 2025-26 was agreed at £6,400.00.

Cllr Brenda Aylott asked for a budget of £300.00 for bedding plants for Planters around the village. This was


Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing new.

Defibrillator: The Defibrillator at Magdelin Cottage, Nunkeeling will be installed on the 19th of December

2024. The Parish Council then have to register the unit with Yorkshire Ambulance, and provide photographs

of the unit in situ, to the grant funding body.

Cllr Steve Arnott asked if the Defibrillator at Pear Tree Farm, Dunnington is still working, this is serviced by

Yorkshire Ambulance and funded by Bewholme Parish Council, JF to check. Location information and codes

for the Defibrillators need checking with the Ambulance Service. JF to look into.

Correspondence: A notice from the Humber and Wolds Rural Action Group was passed around the meeting,

looking for volunteers to help with needs for vulnerable and aged people in the Parish.It was thought that a

Facebook Page already exists in Bewholme already catering for these needs.Cllr Graham Staples to look into.

A letter has been received from Zurich Insurance declining the claim made for a new salt spreader, that was

destroyed in the recent fire at Cllr Mike Butler’s premises.

A request for permission to take group family photographs at Nunkeeling Priory to commemorate a 30 years

wedding anniversary, from Veronica Crees was discussed and granted.

Any Other Business: Councillor details to amend on the website.

Parishioners Questions: The drain cover outside of the Old School House needs reporting, JF to sort.

Road sweeper needed for leaves in the village, and also for Water Lane, and Far Lane, where there is an

ongoing problem with vehicles driving on the grass verges.

The grass verges on Far Lane are encroaching onto the carriageway, causing problems with drainage, JF to

ask Terry Weaver to come out and take a look.

The area near to the Pond has not been restored properly after a cable trench was excavated.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 11th February 2025.

Meeting closed at 9.00 pm.

Signed as a true and correct record of what took place. 1


Bewholme PC 10-12-2024/JF