Agenda for meeting to be held on 10th December 2024

Bewholme Parish Council

There will be a meeting of the Bewholme Parish Council on Tuesday 10th December 2024, in

the John the Baptist Church, Bewholme at 7.30pm.


1. Declaration of Interest

2. Minutes of the last meeting

3. Matters arising

4. Ward Councillors report

5. Police report

6. Planning: 24/03318/CM.

Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission

23/03473/CM – Construction of an asphalt plant and associated works

including siting of a container for plant workshop, erection of an external

shower unit, erection of an office block and toilet block, alterations to and

change of use of existing workshop building and change of use of existing

dwelling for purposes ancillary to the use of the asphalt plant (Revised

scheme of 22/03433/CM) to allow for alterations to layout and installation

of an LPG tank

Location: Land South Of Catfoss Pig Farm Catfoss Lane Brandesburton East Riding

Of Yorkshire YO25 8EJ

Applicant: Newlay Asphalt Ltd

Application Type: County Matter

7. Playing Field

8. Highways

9. Finance ,Precept.

10. Neighbourhood watch

11. Defibrillator

12. Correspondence

13. Any other business

14. Parishioners questions.

15. Date of the next meeting.

Bewholme Parish Council December 2024 Agenda/JF