Agenda of Meeting to be held on 12th December 2023

Bewholme Parish Council

There will be a meeting of the Bewholme Parish Council on Tuesday 12th December 2023, in

St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme at 7.30pm.


1. Declaration of Interest

2. Minutes of the last meeting

3. Matters arising

4. Ward Councillors report

5. Police report

6. Planning: Proposal: 23/03678/TCA BEWHOLME SOUTH CONSERVATION AREA –

Crown lift 1 no. Willow tree to 6 metres (excluding major limbs) as is overgrown and

obstructing the garden.

Location: Pebble Stack House 13 Catfoss Road Bewholme East Riding Of Yorkshire

YO25 8DX

Applicant: Mr Daniel Richardson

Proposal: 23/03236/PLF Change of use and external and internal alterations to existing

redundant agricultural buildings to create 4 dwellings/holiday cottages with associated

drainage infrastructure and parking following demolition of existing modern agricultural


Location: Land South Of Nunkeeling Priory Main Road Nunkeeling East Riding Of


Applicant: W S Arnott & Son

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Application Type: Tree Works in Conservation Area.

7. Website

8. Playing Field

9. Highways

10. Finance

11. Neighbourhood watch

12. Lectern, and the area in front of the first 3 Council Houses and the Church.

13. Correspondence

14. Any other business

15. Parishioners questions.

16. Date of the next meeting.

Bewholme Parish Council December 2023 Agenda/JF