Bewholme Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th August 2023 in
the John the Baptist Church, Bewholme.
Present: Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Jim Froud (clerk), Cllr Brenda Aylott, Ward Cllr Barbara
Jefferson, Ward Cllr John Whittle, 2 members of the Public.
Apologies: Cllr Lisa Bettison, Cllr Ed Nielson, Cllr Phil Elliott.
Declaration of Interest: None.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes from the June meeting were agreed.
Matters Arising: Cllr Mike Butler asked about progress with Bridge No1, Patrick Warren of ERYC has said
that this will be replaced with a more substantial structure, but not until 2024-25, as the funding is not available in this financial year.
Ward Councillors Report: Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson reported that not a lot was going on, meeting new
people after the elections has been high on the agenda.
Things seem to be taking a long time, due to lack of staff, not helped by absence and the change of working practices, with people still working from home.
Police Report: PC Adrian Clarke was present, and came warning of rural crime especially farm equipment,
and GPS systems. Tractor thefts have been on the increase, along with diesel thefts.
Councillors were reminded to remain vigilant, and to report any suspicious activity to the Police.
There has been a couple of incidents in Atwick, the pub was broken into, and there were reports of a stolen car.
There had been a burnt out car at Low Bonwick, this was thought to have been a fraudulent insurance claim.
Cllr Brenda Aylott asked about the speed awareness training, this was not Adrian’s role, but he is willing to come down to Bewholme with the speed gun at peak times.
Planning: None.
Parish Website: Cllr Staples reported that the website is up to date.
Playing Field: Sue and Andy Duke were present, and gave a brief account of were the Playing Field was at.
They now have a committee, and are holding another meeting next week.
An invite has been given for a Parish Councillor to become a Trustee of the Playing Field.
The risk assessments for the Field are still ongoing, and identifying maintenance that needs immediate attention.
Cllr Mike Butler asked if the hedges are to be cut back, this is all in hand, and will be carried out as soon as
the birds have stopped nesting.
Highways: The hedge at Pasture House has still not been cut back. Enforcement is needed.
Cllr Mike Butler reported the potholes on the ‘S’ bends between High Bonwick and Low Bonwick on Skipsea Road.
The grass verges need re-instating on Atwick Road after Yorkshire Water have completed their works.
The potholes in the passing places on Atwick Road at the ‘S’ bends needs reporting again.
The water coming up through the road at Far Lane has not been resolved.
All these problems to be reported to Terry Weaver ERYC.
Finance: Accounts paid since the last meeting Defibrillator Pads £79.14, this was agreed.
Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing. Cllr Graham Staples reported of very little activity.
Ward Cllrs Barbara Jefferson and John Whittle left the meeting 8.30pm.
Bewholme PC 8-8-2023/JF
Lectern: Cllr Graham Staples told of the problems experienced with Whitehills, mainly the increasing costs.
The Lectern is now going to be made out of Oak by Derek Newby, and the printing has been sorted by Cllr Graham Staples at a fraction of the initial cost.
The costs and final reporting is now overdue, Emma Snowden has been contacted to update her of the situation.
Correspondence: A letter from Simon Clark ERYC was handed around the meeting regarding the changes to the boundry of Bewholme.
The second phase of public consultation is to take place from the 31st July 2023 until the 8th of September 2023
All full draft recommendations report can be found at Full East Riding parish review.
The vacancy for a Parish Councillor has been fully advertised, there have been no applications received.
Any Other Business: The Emergency Plan needs updating and will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Parishioners Questions: The litter bin near to the Playing Field has a broken door latch, this will be reported
to ERYC.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday the 3rd October 2023.
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm.
Signed as a true and correct record of what took place.