Minutes of the meeting held on 8th October 2024

Bewholme Parish Council – Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 October 2024 in the St John the Baptist Church, Bewholme

Present:  Cllr Graham Staples, Cllr Mike Butler, Cllr Ed Neilson, Cllr Phil Elliot, Cllr Brenda Aylott (minute taker), Cllr Steve Arnott. 3 members of the public.

Apologies: Jim Froud, Clerk, Ward Cllr John Whittle, Ward Cllr Barbara Jefferson

Declaration of Interest:  None

Minutes of the last meeting:  Minutes from the August 2024 meeting were agreed and signed.

Matters arising: Cllr Butler enquired as to whether the insurance claim for the grit spreader had been sent in.  It was thought that this had been done.  A bespoke email for the Parish Council is being tested by the Chair and Clerk and it is hoped that this will be in use by early next year. Each user must sign out after completing an email.

Co-option:  Steve Arnott was welcomed on to the Parish Council through co-option. One vacancy remains on the Parish Council.

Ward Councillors Report: None

Police Report:  None

Planning:  None

Website:  Up to date

Playing Field:  BRA’s Chair gave dates of upcoming events – 23 October, BRA Gardening Club, talk by Hornsea Urban Gardeners (HUGS) at 7.00 pm in the Church. 29 October, BRA Open Meeting 7.30 pm in the Church. 27 November, Wreath Making 7.00 pm in the Church.               6 December Christmas Tree Lights Switch on in the field and in the Church.  

The hedge cutting is due to be done shortly and the D Day Bench base is to be laid this weekend, weather permitting, thanks to Elliot Eggs. The SSE grant for £2000 has been submitted which hopefully will provide storage for the equipment needed for maintenance and events. BRA is in conversation with the Planning Department at ERYC.

Highways: Cllr Butler reported that a crack was appearing down the centre of the road near the 30mph limit.  Cllr Staples to take photographs for the Clerk to submit to Highways.

Cllr Neilson reported that the PCSO responsible for Speed Watch has now retired and has not been replaced.  He suspects that this may be permanent but will continue to email for training and equipment.

Finance: £750 has been spent on a defibrillator to be placed at Magdalen Cottage in Nunkeeling.  50% of the cost was paid for by a grant. The maintenance of this and the one at Pear Tree Farm, Dunnington is done by the Ambulance Service. £57 for the flower box plants was also paid and it was agreed to pay £500 to St John’s Church and £80 for Nunkeeling for PC meeting costs and grass cutting. 

It was agreed that a budget could be set for the purchase of plants for the flower boxes at the next meeting.  Cllr Aylott to provide some guideline to costs at this meeting.

Neighbourhood Watch: The Chair read out a notice warning people to be aware of a Pet Chip scam where owners are asked for a renewal subscription and details of owners and pets.

Correspondence:  An email has been received from Jane Collins, SSE requesting a representative from the PC to attend meetings regarding the grant applications.  Cllr Elliot volunteered and this was agreed.

AOB: None

Parishioners questions: Cllr Butler mentioned that a parishioner had approached him concerned about the cutting down of the hedgerows to near the base on fields near the footpath above Bridleways as they were concerned about harm to the habitat of wild birds and animals.  It was agreed that this was lawful as long as the hedgerows had not been dug up.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 7.30 pm

Meeting closed at 8.20 pm.